Gestione sostenibile delle malattie mediante l’impiego di nuovi preparati a base di lievito e di estratti vegetali” finanziato da PON “Ricerca e innovazione” 2014-2020, Azione n. IV.6 “Contratti di ricerca su tematiche Green”

Scientific Responsable: Professor Francesco Favaron, TESAF |

Reference dates: 29.07.2022 – 29.07.2024

Project description (English)

The project is aimed at developing the production and extraction of yeast-based preparations obtained from waste substrates of food industries and plant extracts produced from cell cultures. The yeast-based preparations and plant extracts will be used to combat downy mildew and gray mold in grapevine, diseases whose control, at present, requires repeated interventions with copper and/or synthetic chemical products.