Welcome to CIRVE

CIRVE, the Interdepartmental Centre for Research in Viticulture and Enology of the University of Padova, is a leader in Italy in both research and teaching. The top scientists of the centre, the innovative research projects that are being carried out and the teaching activities within the BSc, MSc, international masters and summer schools, the Erasmus program and several international workshops give a significant contribution to keep CIRVE among the top research centers in viticulture and enology at the European level.

CIRVE is a member of IVES (International Viticulture & Enology Society), a non-profit organisation dedicated to the dissemination of scientific research in viticulture and enology.


Scientists belonging to CIRVE


Main research topics

Courses in Viticulture and Enology

Within the Campus of Conegliano, along with the high-level research activities developed in the last decades by CIRVE, two main courses (BSc and MSc) are available for students who are interested in viticulture and enology.

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Top-level research in Viticulture and Enology

CIRVE scientists operate in all the fields of viticulture and enology, from the vineyard to the marketing. Here are the main research lines carried out by more than 40 researchers belonging to the Interdepartmental Centre for Research in Viticulture and Enology.