The Microbiology research group study wine microorganisms, especially yeasts belonging to the Saccharomyces and non-Saccharomyces genus, and their physiological and molecular characterization. In particular, the group studies the effects of these yeasts on product quality, investigating their nutritional needs, fermentation products and specific metabolic processes in first and second fermentation. Furthermore, part of the research activity is dedicated to aspects related to the sustainability in the vineyard and in the cellar, through the use of new yeasts of oenological interest as biocontrol agents and their derivatives for the production of innovative oenological formulates.

Group Leader: Viviana Corich – Associate Professor (

Research Group Members

Publications (selection)

  • Starmerella bacillaris Released in Vineyards at Different Concentrations Influences Wine Glycerol Content Depending on the Vinification Protocols – by Chiara Nadai, Vinícius da Silva Duarte, Jacopo Sica, Simone Vincenzi, Milena Carlot, Alessio Giacomini, Viviana Corich. Foods 2023, 12(1), 3;
  • Starmerella bacillaris Strains Used in Sequential Alcoholic Fermentation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae Improves Protein Stability in White Wines – by Luiza de Paula Dias Moreira, Chiara Nadai, Vinícius da Silva Duarte, Edward John Brearley-Smith, Matteo Marangon, Simone Vincenzi, Alessio Giacomini, Viviana Corich. Fermentation 2022, 8(6), 252;
  • Different gene expression patterns of hexose transporter genes modulate fermentation performance of four Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains – by Chiara Nadai, Giulia Crosato, Alessio Giacomini, Viviana Corich. Fermentation 2021, 7(3), 164;
  • The impact of CUP1 gene copy-number and XVI-VIII/XV-XVI translocations on copper and sulfite tolerance in vineyard Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain populations – by Giulia Crosato, Chiara Nadai, Milena Carlot, Juliano Garavaglia, Denise Righetto Ziegler, Rochele Cassanta Rossi, Juliana De Castilhos, Stefano Campanaro, Laura Treu, Alessio Giacomini, Viviana Corich. FEMS Yeast Research 2020, 20(4), foaa028;
  • Potential use of Starmerella bacillaris as fermentation starter for the production of low-alcohol beverages obtained from unripe grapes – by Wilson José Fernandes Lemos Junior, Chiara Nadai, Ludmyla Tamara Crepalde, Vanessa Sales de Oliveira, Amanda Dupas de Matos, Alessio Giacomini, Viviana Corich. International Journal of Food Microbiology 2019, 303, 1–8;
  • Dynamics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains isolated from vine bark in vineyard: Influence of plant age and strain presence during grape must spontaneous fermentations – by Chiara Nadai, Chiara Vendramini, Milena Carlot, Christian Andrighetto, Alessio Giacomini, Viviana Corich. Fermentation 2019, 5(3), 62;
  • Whole genome comparison of two Starmerella bacillaris strains with other wine yeasts uncovers genes involved in modulating important winemaking traits – by Wilson Josè Fernandes Lemos Junior, Vinicius da Silva Duarte, Laura Treu, Stefano Campanaro, Chiara Nadai, Alessio Giacomini, Viviana Corich. FEMS Yeast Research 2018, 18(7), foy069;
  • The geographic distribution of Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolates within three Italian neighboring winemaking regions reveals strong differences in yeast abundance, genetic diversity and industrial strain dissemination – by Alessia Viel, Jean-Luc Legras, Chiara Nadai, Milena Carlot, Angiolella Lombardi, Manna Crespan, Daniele Migliaro, Alessio Giacomini, Viviana Corich. Frontiers in Microbiology 2017, 8, 1595;
  • The role of nitrogen uptake on the competition ability of three vineyard Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains – by Chiara Vendramini, Gemma Beltran, Chiara Nadai, Alessio Giacomini, Albert Mas, Viviana Corich. International Journal of Food Microbiology 2017, 258, 1–11;
  • Biocontrol ability and action mechanism of Starmerella bacillaris (synonym Candida zemplinina) isolated from wine musts against gray mold disease agent Botrytis cinerea on grape and their effects on alcoholic fermentation – by Wilson Josè Fernandes Lemos Jr, Barbara Bovo, Chiara Nadai, Giulia Crosato, Milena Carlot, Francesco Favaron, Alessio Giacomini, Viviana Corich. Frontiers in Microbiology 2016, 7, 1249;