two test tubes

CIRVE scientists operate in all the fields of viticulture and enology, from the vineyard to the marketing. Here are the main research lines carried out by more than 40 researchers belonging to the Interdepartmental Centre for Research in Viticulture and Enology.

Research areaContact
AgronomyProf. Carmelo Maucieri
Soil chemistry and plant nutritionProf. Giancarlo Renella
Food economy and marketingProf. Luigi Galletto
EnologyProf. Andrea Curioni
Agricultural entomologyProf. Carlo Duso
GeneticsProf. Alessandro Vannozzi
HydraulicsProf. Paolo Tarolli
MechanicsProf. Luigi Sartori
MicrobiologyProf.ssa Viviana Corich
Plant PathologyProf. Rita Musetti
ViticultureProf. Andrea Pitacco

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