BSc in Viticultural and Enological Science and Technology (STVE)
Coordinator: Prof. Simone Vincenzi (contact)

A course that fits perfectly in the Veneto territorial context, a region ranking at the top in terms of volume of wine production on a national scale. With an approach dedicated to the sustainability and eco-compatibility of products, the proposed training path will offer you a complete vision of the activities and problems of viticulture, exploring in depth the issues related to the vines cultivation and grapes processing, the marketing of wine and spirits and their responsible consumption. This training will allow you to carry out management and control activities for the cultivation and production of grapes, their transformation into wine and derivatives and their conservation and distribution, as well as prepare you for the profession of winemaker.
Characteristics and objectives
This course provides in-depth knowledge on the main aspects of viticulture and enology and develops professional skills to solve problems in these areas. This study programme explores different aspects of wine industry, from grape-growing to winemaking, from the marketing of wines and distillates to their responsible consumption. Special emphasis will be given to the quality and safety of wine products, to the economy and ethics in the production, as well as on the environmental sustainability of grape and wine production. Therefore, this course will train enologists qualified for the profession in Italy and Europe, as well as preparing them to face the challenges of other international markets.
Occupational opportunities
Graduates will be able to manage and control the production of grapes, in their processing into wine and wine-related products, as well as in their conservation, distribution and delivery techniques, thus preparing them in working towards the improvement of the product quality and the overall sustainability of the wine-industry.
Such activities will be performed predominantly in grape-growing companies, wineries, public and private organizations responsible for conducting analysis, for releasing certifications and for conducting surveys for the protection and valorization of the oenological productions.
Graduates will also be able to find roles within companies working to support the wine production activities, such as those providing materials and equipment (e.g. plants, microorganisms, adjuvants, machinery and ingredients).
From Bachelor’s degree to Master’s degree
Graduates from this bachelor degree can access the master’s degree in viticulture, winemaking and wine markets (which is jointly managed by the Universities of Udine, Padova, Verona and Bolzano) and to the master’s degree in Agricultural Science and Technology, following the rules that will be provided by the specific course admission notice.
More information fo students (UNIPD website)

MSc in Viticulture, Oenology and Wine Marketing (VEMV)
Coordinator: Prof. Eugenio Pomarici (contact)

Educational objectives
The Master’s in Viticulture, Oenology and Marketing will give you a solid and in-depth academic preparation in the fields of economy applied to the wine-making industry and vine-growing, wine-making, oenology and quality control pertaining to grape production and transformation, and marketing the finished products. The Course develops high-level knowledge and skills, to enable you to work efficiently in the labor market.
The inter-University (Udine, Padua, Veron and Bolzano) Master’s in Viticulture, Oenology and Marketing is part of the international EMaVE-Vinifera Consortium. With its partners (SupAgro Montpellier, France; Hochschule Geisenheim University, Geisenheim, Germany; Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain; Universidade Politecnica in Lisbon, Portugal, and the Universities of Turin, Milan, Palermo, Sassari, and Foggia in Italy), it awards the European Master in Viticulture and Oenology. In the first year lessons are held in English at the University of Montpellier. In the second year, students complete their preparation at one of the other partner universities.
Graduates of this Course will find important positions in the vine-growing and wine-producing industries, where they will have decision-making roles in management and consultancy.

Professional opportunities
Magister graduates in Viticulture, Oenology and Marketing can find significant jobs in the vine-growing and oenological field, where they can have important decision-making roles in management and consultancy. More specifically, they can be employed in the following activities:
- management and consultancy in considerably big wine-making businesses, in the following fields: production and transformation of grapes and derivatives; ageing, bottling, preservation and marketing of wines and related products;
- management and carrying out of high-profile roles in boards, associations and consortiums operating in the vine-growing and wine-making field;
- analysis, control, certification and promotion of grape and wine products, in public and private firms;
- participation in carrying out and managing basic and applied research projects in the field of vine-growing, oenological transformation, planting systems, and oenological equipment, as well as efficient management of marketing.

In compliance with the President of the Republic Act 05/06/2001 n. 328 and corresponding dispositions of Ministerial Decree 26/07/2007 n. 386, the Magister Degree in Viticulture, Oenology and Marketing is a pre-requisite for admission to the State exam for qualifying and working as agronomists and forest experts (“Section A – agronomists and forest experts”).
The Course prepares students to be:
- -managers of private firms operating in the field of agriculture, forests, hunting and fishing;
- -agronomists and related jobs;
- -specialists in the marketing of goods and services;
- -researchers and technicians in agriculture and animal production.
More information for students (UNIUD website)